Thursday, September 9, 2010

Latest progesterone level (just a quick update)

I'm still in Zone 3, the level was 34.7 ng/dL at 8 weeks 2 days.  I'm still on 100 mg PIO twice a week.  It's odd to me that I'm still lower than I was at P+7 and P+15.

I'm dealing with vomiting most days now (almost always in the evening) and I'm eating constantly so I don't know that there's anything I can do.  I hope that I start feeling better in the the second trimester (about 2-3 weeks, I'll be 10 weeks Saturday).  There is so little that I can eat (and some stuff makes me gag just to think about it).  I'm also tired of losing my dinner; it's seems like such a waste when it's almost every night for the past 10 days or so.  I'm thinking I need to offer this up for all of you still waiting.


  1. haha, please do i'll take it! in all seriousness, i am sorry you feel so poor. Will continue to keep you in my prayers.

  2. So sorry you are not feeling well. I will pray for a happy, healthy, feeling-good pregnancy for you!!

  3. I hope you start feeling better soon! Vomiting is no fun!

  4. Thank you for offering your sufferings! It means soo much. But as much as I appreciate it, I hope you feel better real soon.

  5. That nasty morning sickness is one thing I'm not looking forward to... so not envious... but I do appreciate your offering it up!

  6. Yuck. I hope you start feeling relief very soon.

  7. Oh, no, praying that it ends soon!

  8. This will pass and 2nd trimester will be glorious-I promise! I was the same way with my prog, in the 30s forever and then finally did this huge jump to 50s and stayed there forever and then 70s. Finally at 32 (almost) weeks I hit 90 and guess what? Still mid zone 2. mid or low zone 2 the entire pregnancy. Crazy, huh? Prog is a funny thing, but as you know, you are in good hands with the monitoring and dosing.

  9. I stopped my progesterone and I sit at 46....I'm not taking it!

    But I would think that 30 is great and wouldn't really worry too much about it....

  10. Sorry you are feeling so bad :( You're on our list and we are praying for your healthy happy pregnancy.

  11. Thanks for offering up your suffering...but from what I've read and heard that nasty sickness "thing" means good things..i.e. healthy baby. I'm sure you already know that.

    Hope the 2nd trimester is better for you.
