Tuesday, February 1, 2011

OB Appt

I had my ob appt today at 30 weeks, 3 days.  My fundal measurement is only 28 cm and I didn't gain any weight in the last two weeks, so my ob wants me to have a measurement ultrasound at my next appointment which is in 2 weeks.  I'm trying not to worry too much about it; I called TCIE and she reassured me.  Plus, the baby is traverse and that can make the measurement a little smaller than it could be otherwise  The other thing that we found out at this appointment is that Baby Blondie may be a girl.  The position for all the other ultrasounds up to now made it so that we couldn't really check since the 16 week appointment.  I guess we'll be looking again at the next ultrasound in 2 weeks and see what the between the legs situation looks like.  It's just kind of weird since we've been calling the baby he and by the boy's name we picked out for about 14 weeks now.  We do have a girl's name picked out.

This week so far has been a bit stressful.  I couldn't find my requisition for progesterone draw so I had to call PPVI (twice) to get it faxed over.  I misplaced my Hypn.obabies book and spent a couple hours looking for it (D finally found it).  I thought that I locked myself out of my house, but I had actually just forgotten which door I went out.  Thankfully I've had the last few days off because I don't know if I could have dealt with everything and worked too.  Oh, and my mother sent me a text about something completely unimportant at 5 am and it woke both D and I up.


  1. found the book after 2 minutes of looking, kids are totally coming to me when they can't find something.

  2. I'm sorry you are having such a stressful few days!

    I know it's hard, but I would try not to worry about thecmeasurement too much. Have you been overly stressed lately? That could lead to your lack of weight gain. Or ts possible you thyroid is a little overactive. I wasn't gaining weight and we figured out that was the problem. Apparently it's pretty common in pregnancy.

    Now that MG's nursery is almost done I almost fear finding out she's really a he. That would be so weird!!

    I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

  3. Oh my! Hopefully they find out soon if it's a he or she. :) I guess you'll find out for sure in 9 weeks!! I wouldn't worry too terribly much about the weight either, maybe Karen is right about your thyroid. Hope you are feeling well these days.

  4. Omm, wow! First off, don't worry too much, my baby is sideways as well and the same thing happened to me (I am 27 weeks) I had an ultrasound and the baby is right in the 50 percent tile. If they were really worried, they would have given you an ultrasound right away and not made you wait 2 weeks! Plus, I have heard that if you are a smaller women, which you are, you can measure small. Not that I am a doctor or anything, just trying to offer comfort. As for it maybe being a girl! That is nuts! I was just sharing this post with my hubby so we can pray for the baby and his/her growth and we were talking about how we would feel if after knowing it is a girl for this many weeks to be told it may be a boy! Crazy! What a crazy week you are having. Many prayers for a happy and healthy mama and baby, no matter the sex!

  5. Praying! And, wow on the possible girl thing!

  6. My weight gain stalled around that point, too (unfortunately (?) it picked back up again later). In my case, my doctor was doing U/S's all the way through and my weight gain had nothing to do with the baby's weight gain, so please, please don't worry.

  7. Looking for lost things makes me crazy and somehow with so much to do around this time it seems to happen to pregnant women a lot! Praying for your ultrasound results to turn around at the upcoming appt. Not to sound too ___, but I just found them always to be so inaccurate and WRONG. So, I believe everything is just fine, but they didn't get a good measure at this appt.

    So happy for you. I continue to pray for your family. Girls are so much fun!!

  8. Praying for you all the time. I know 2 weeks is a long time when you are worried and I hope it goes by quickly.

    I am so paranoid about the gender thing that I have them check at every u/s (which is pretty often due to my circumstances). I keep waiting for them to change, too.

  9. Try not to worry too much. Easier said than done, I know. I think I worried during 90% of my pregnancy and it all came out well. The baby could have shifted making you appear not to measure any larger. Like someone else said, if they were truly worried, they'd schedule an u/s sooner than later.

  10. I don't have much to offer except that I will continue to pray that all keeps going well. I did laugh about the gender comments though. I think there was another blogger recently who thought she was having a girl only to find out later in the pg that the baby was a boy. I guess there's no 100% way to know for sure the gender until the actual birth, huh?

  11. awww that does sound like a stressful week :( I think not being able to find important things is SO stressful!!! I agree with what everyone else said about not worrying, but it's hard not to I'm sure-- I'll be praying for you!

  12. My SIL's little one is traverse...I had never heard of this before and now I hear it twice in two days! Crazy-guess it means I just need to up the prayers that the little ones will wiggle into a better position!

    Oh my goodness about finding out they may be a girl!! I'm sure you're so anxious to find out either way, so hopefully the next appt will shed some light on the gender situation! ;)

    Praying that the stresses stay at a minimum! I can't believe how far along you are-it seems like you just announced you were pregnant!!

  13. I have measured small through all three of my pregnancies with no trouble in the end. I had to get an extra ultrasound with the first, at which they measured the baby to be around 6.5 lbs. She was born a month later at 6.5 lbs, so obviously they were off, but she was fine. The second time, I avoided the extra ultrasound b/c I just wasn't that worried and ended up with another 6.5 lb baby. This time I'm 6.5 months and measuring behind, but again not worrying. Sometimes you just carry more "inside" your body than out and sometimes you may just be prone to small babies. I'm 5'7" and about 140 typically, so I guess it would be expected that I would have bigger babies, but I haven't. I really wouldn't get too worried about it unless you fall significantly behind where they want you to be. Otherwise, just be glad that when labor comes, you'll likely have a smaller child to push out!
