Saturday, May 14, 2011

Where for art thou, Prayer Buddy?

I know I've been away for awhile, but life has been kind of busy around here.  Between taking care of K, taking an online class, and traveling, I haven't had much time to post.

I still haven't heard from my Lenten prayer buddy, so I'm wondering who it was.

K is 5 weeks old as of yesterday. She's doing very well. I don't know her current weight since she has been back to the pediatrician since her 4 day visit and doesn't go back until 2 months.  She's still a great breastfeeder. She generally gives us a good chunk of sleep (4+ hour block) at night and usually goes back to sleep for a couple more hours after her night nursing. She usually takes pretty short daytime naps and doesn't want to sleep long anywhere other than on someone.  Thankfully I can get on the computer while she's eating or sleeping, especially if I put her in the Sleepy Wrap (it's like a Moby with slightly stretchier fabric).  She still gets pretty mad and screams when she wants something.  She'll sit in her swing and be calm sometimes and I put here in there so I can shower.  D has been great when he's around.  Since I'm not working, I generally do most of the night stuff so he can get enough sleep to be functional at work.

Here are some pictures of K and I'll try to post more and some video soon.

Family picture Easter 2011
Me holding K


  1. Do you like the sleepy wrap? I've heard good things about it. DId you ever compare it to the moby? I have a moby on loan and just love it- but the on-line reviews say the sleepy wrap is easier to use b/c of the stretchiness? Fair evaluation?
