Thursday, April 22, 2010


In the last few months, my cycle had been looking pretty nice.  I had decent peak type CM, ovulation around CD 15, and a 14-15 day LP, with no irregular bleeding.  However, my body has completely freaked out this cycle.  I had weird peak type CM with a break in between the day. I think that I ovulated last Thursday (CD 13), but I had Peak type CM on Sunday, so I'm going to do my P+7 bloodwork on Sunday.  I had spotting/light bleeding last Friday that stopped after a day or so, but I had some more when I work up this morning.  I temped this morning and yesterday, so based on past post-peak temps, I'm pretty sure I ovulated sometime.  However I wasn't temping on the days I might have ovulated on, so I'm not completely sure.

If I did ovulate on last Thursday, we had decent timing (P-1 and P).  If it was Sunday, timing not so great (P-3).  However, since my body has gone wacky (and why won't it when the bloodwork starts back up) and I have bleeding, the odds are probably not very good for this cycle anyways.  I'll be starting on the Pain and Brain Supplement today (assuming the UPS site is correct about it being delivered today). 

I told D about the craziness of my body, and low and behold, he's been researching and reading about what to expect after the surgery (he hasn't taken much interest in how everything works in past almost three years).  He said that it'll probably take a couple months to get back to normal and since I hadn't gotten pregnant then we don't know that anything my body was doing was normal (specifically multiple days of lots of peak type CM...I like that).  For those who've had a laparotomy, how long did it take for your cycles to get back to "normal"?   

I've been feeling a bit down recently.  I'm feeling overwhelmed seeing or hearing about pregnancies.  I was sitting in our young adult bible study and I realized out of about 15-17 people, two couples and I are the one ones without kids and there are a couple of pregnant women in the group and one couple had their very young baby in the room instead of the nursery.  I'm going to D's best friend's wife's baby shower on Saturday, and I saw a couple more pregnancy announcements on FB.  

Keep Calm and Carry On and I are going to soon (as soon as we can talk) post some details/tentative plans for the Southern girls get-together.  


  1. I think it must be the month for wacky cycles. I am having one and I saw another blogger, and then I read your post. I am going on 15 days of great peak type CM. I haven't peaked yet and it is CD23, in the past year of charting Creighton, my latest peak was 19 and I thought that was a fluke. I am normally a 15-16 kind of gal. And oh by the way, I am trying to do a full pre and post peak hormone profile. Good luck on figuring out your cycle, I will be praying for you as well! God Bless!

  2. Gosh...I wish I had some answers for you. I had a lot of spotting at the end of my cycle this past month which is very I'm wondering if my hormones are doing something new. It's great that we chart...this way we are in tune with our cycles and if we see something odd...we know and can bring it to the dr if we have too. Hoping your body is just healing and praying it will all come together soon! God Bless.

    What does the pain and brain supplement do? Why is Dr. H recommending it? Just curious.

  3. The Pain and Brain Supplement is supposed to help reduce inflammation and Dr. H found evidence of inflammation in my uterus during my hysteroscopy in December.

  4. So sorry! Wacky cycles seem to be going around lately.

  5. It's great that D has been doing some research - that has to make you smile even though the inconsistency of your cycle is disappointing.

  6. My cycle returned normally after my surgery but I NEVER had good mucus, including the cycle we conceived in, so I'm no help here.

    Can you ask your Creighton practitioner?

    I hope your mood improves...that's the worst part if you ask me :)

  7. I can understand your frustrations. I had my lap (with Dr. H's partner) in July and my cycles returned to normal in November. My last cycle and this one are very out of sorts also! Hang in there, I know it's tough. I still have down days too. I am hear for you if you need anything!

  8. I feel your pain on the baby shower thing, I'll be thinking of you and praying that it is not too hard on you! I actually lucked out with my new nephew--the C-section is scheduled for the 30th when I will probably still be in the hospital at CUMC so I won't have to go to SIL's hospital when she has the baby.

    I hope things get straightened out soon for you! Thanks for the warning. You have been so helpful to me, with advice on what to expect from the laparatomy and it has helped to alleviate some of my fears. So thank you!!

  9. I hate when my body freaks out! I'm sorry!

  10. I'm so sorry that your body isn't cooperating!!! I've heard from more than one person (including my Napro doc) that stress can cause our hormones to go nuts and I definitely think that having surgery counts as being stressful!

    Sending you prayers!
