Monday, April 5, 2010

Prayer Buddy Reveal

My prayer buddy during Lent was Alive in Hope.  I hadn't read her blog until I got matched with her, and low and behold she was having her laparotomy with Dr. H about 2 weeks after I had mine.  It's amazing how the prayer buddy matches are so perfect.

I mainly prayed for a successful surgery and for her healing after surgery.  I offered up my surgery and I also prayed for her during adoration and Mass, especially during the Triduum.

I'm going to post later about some other stuff, but I wanted to reveal my prayer buddy separately.


  1. Hi! You were my prayer buddy! It's nice to meet you! I hope you had a very peaceful Easter! I will continue to pray for you and D. :) You'll have to stop by my blog sometime!

  2. Oh... I posted a little something about my prayers for you on my blog... Have a great day! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ya gotta love Jenny!

    I think it was perfect you were given Alive In Hope. She needed the prayers and how perfect to have someone was going/had gone through a similar experience.

    Happy Easter, Mrs. Blondie.
