My Recipe Blog
Friday, January 30, 2009
D isn't talking to me
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
O on CD 15?!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
With regard to the letter from Dr. Hilgers, plus a cycle update
- I live in NW Louisiana for those who didn't know. I am not aware of a Napro doctor close by.
- When the nurse calls on Tuesday, I'm going to find out about my options for treatment and prices (and how to find out about insurance coverage).
- I'm going to see if the bloodwork can be done locally so I could get it done relatively soon. I would also try to see about getting the u/s series done locally if possible.
- Since our parents are from Houston, if there is a doctor in Houston since that would be easier than going to Omaha.
- I haven't talked to D yet about everything since we went out with a friend of ours last night and he's working today.
- I have to see if my employers (I'm a nanny) have any upcoming vacations since that would make it easier for me to go either to Houston or to Omaha.
- I can't really make any decisions until I've talked to the nurse on Tuesday and have more information. I'm going to try not to worry about it too much until then.
- I'm very much looking forward to moving forward in getting my body healthy and normalized.
Response from Dr Hilgers!
Dear Mrs. (Blondie):
Thank you very much for your letter received on December 1, 2008 with regard to your case. I have had the opportunity to review your letter along with the enclosed Creighton Model fertility charts and the medical records that you have submitted. (Mrs. Blondie), you are experiencing functionally abnormal cycles, unusual bleeding, premenstrual symptoms, and moderate menstrual cramps. Let me give you the following comments.
In reviewing the Creighton Model chart, the following observations are made. It reveals regular mucus cycles, premenstrual spotting, tail-end brown bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding, and continuous mucus discharge. These findings are often associated with hormonal dysfunction, ovulation defects, endometriosis, endometrial polyps, chronic inflammation of the cervix, and/or chronic low-grade endometrial infection.
I would like to make the following recommendations. (Mrs. Blondie), you should have a thorough hormone evaluation of your menstrual cycle (without medications); a thyroid system dysfunction panel; an ultrasound series to determine whether there is an ovulation-related defect; and a diagnostic laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and selective hysterosalpingogram, dilation and curettage (D&C), and endometrial cultures. These tests will determine if there is underlying hormonal dysfunction, an ovulation-related abnormality, endometriosis or pelvic adhesions, obstruction within the fallopian tubes, low-grade endometrial infection and/or a thyroid condition not diagnosed with standard tests. Your husband should also have a seminal fluid analysis if he has not had one within the past year. We can be of assistance with this if you call. We utilize a home collection device that is used during intercourse and is not contraceptive. Once we have this information, we can put together a reasonable plan of treatment.
If this is something you would like to pursue, please contact my nurses directly at 402-390-9175 and they can begin to make those arrangements. It will require 7 to 10 days at the Pope Paul VI Institute to complete the tests.
The Pope Paul VI Institute is the home of FertilityCareTM and NaProTECHNOLOGY. We specialize in the interpretation of the Creighton Model FertilityCareTM charts and in finding the underlying causes to a variety of illnesses of the menstrual and fertility cycle. In addition, we offer a set of innovative approaches to treatment, the success of which generally exceeds that of those treatments currently being used for these conditions.
Thank you for sending your case to me. I do think that we can be of some assistance to you.
Sincerely yours,
Senior Medical Consultant
Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine and Surgery
Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction
P.S. Currently, my schedule is such that it will be about three to four months before I can do your laparoscopy. However, the Pope Paul VI Institute has added a new physician who has been trained by me to provide the same medical services. Her name is Catherine E. Keefe, MD. If you would like to schedule your laparoscopy earlier than three to four months from now and have Dr. Keefe provide your care, please inform the nurses when you call and that can be arranged.